Friday 24 November 2017

#4 To port or not to port

Friday Nov 24

I was looking forward to seeing Dr Bev again (breast surgeon). She's just really good and I feel like we connect. She told me it had been a busy morning. Nine new cancer clients! Holy cow!

Eager to get 'Pauline' (the name of my cancer) killed off, I wanted to know the plan of attack and how soon it could all happen. So here it is... 1) See oncologist Dr Jackie Adams on Tuesday at Lyell McEwin.  2) Start chemo asap.  3) Dec 5 Surgery to insert a port. (Na, I didn't understand what this was either.) There are three ways to get chemo in... through a vein eg hand, through a picc line which sits on the outside of your upper arm and has to be re-inserted every 3 months, or through a port. The port is put in under anesthetic and a 20c piece sized thing sits just under the skin under your right collar bone. It can be injected directly into and has a line taking it near the heart to get the chemo pumping. Apparently it is the best option, so we are doing that.

There is one more test before I start chemo. It's a simple ultrasound heart baseline test. There is no reason why I couldn't have my first round of chemo next week before the port is put in...

We went on to meet Deb the McGrath Foundation Breast Care Nurse. So much information and so much kindness. Funny isn't it, it's easy to handle the facts but when people are loving, understanding and kind, I get wobbly. She gave me the best hug I'd had in ages.

We left, armed and confident. We are on our way Pauline...

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