Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Goodbye and Good Riddance Chemotherapy! Hello Surgery.

I’ve always hated liver.
Mum used to try to get us to eat it because it was ‘so good for us’ by cooking it with onion and smothering it in gravy but it was still horrible.

My liver MRI from a few weeks ago was finally compared to the one I had three months ago and there appears to be more small spots in my liver. It’s apparently hard to really tell. The good news is they’re not breast cancer spots because they haven’t responded to chemotherapy, the bad news is they could be another metastasized cancer from somewhere else. Synchronized swimming is one thing but synchronized cancers, unbelievable!  
My oncologist is now ordering a raft of further tests to investigate. With a family history of a few different cancers, she’s ordering a colonoscopy, endoscopy and a liver biopsy. There will probably happen after my breast surgery but I’m feeling overwhelmed. 
The positive news of the day was that my breast cancer has continued to respond to treatment, including my lymph nodes which are no longer enlarged. 


As of today I am meant to have 2, ‘Taxol’ chemos to go; I’ve had ten. My feet are balloons and there is some talk I may have had my last chemo today. Taxol is accumulative so symptoms and side effects can get progressively worse. My body will be the judge next Monday and the decision will be made whether to stop. Nine Taxols are minimum and more than that is bonus. My nurse today told me they rarely get to twelve and that made me feel better.

So with this big news today I have come home, had a cry and got on the phone to Deb, the breast care nurse who works with my surgeon. She’s amazing! (Thank God for the (oooh ahh) Glen McGraith Foundation.) She’s going to see if I can see my surgeon sooner as I wasn’t booked until after my 12th week of chemo.

Surgery will happen within four weeks of chemo finishing. I’m having a mastectomy. I want a double but they are reluctant to take healthy tissue. We will see… watch this space.

Love to you
